The Philippines' books in the Netherlands - release

To uphold the Philippines not only through travel guide books but also through books on its history and culture, the Philippine Trade and Investment Center of the Philippine Embassy in the Netherlands is bringing selected Filipino books to Selexyz Rotterdam, the biggest bookstore in the said country.

Alma Argayoso, commercial attaché of the Philippines to the Netherlands, said that they partnered with Selexyz to make the books available not only to the Dutch, but more importantly to the Filipino expatriates who do not have easy access to books from home.

The selection includes books on culture, history, languages, travel and even stories by Filipino immigrants who have immersed themselves in the local culture.

One of the books entitled “A Taste of Home, Pinoy Expats and Food Memories”, is a collection of personal stories by Filipino expatriates from around the world, on the major role Filipino food plays in their lives, how they try to prepare the authentic taste of home in their own kitchens in foreign lands while struggling to integrate themselves into the new cultures of their adopted countries.

Other Philippines’ books includes:

·        “The Philippines through European Lenses”, written by a Dutch anthropologist commissioned by the Dutch Ambassador to the Philippines Robert Brinks

·        Rizal Without the Overcoat

·        101 Stories of the Philippine Revolution

·        Philippines: Islands of Enchantment

·        25 Tropical Houses in the Philippines

·        Authentic Recipes from the Philippines

·        Etiquette Guide to the Philippines

·        Tropical Gardens of the Philippines

·        Filipino Cookbook

·        Filipino Children’s Favorite Stories

·        The Tropical House: Cutting Edge Design in the Philippines

·        Tagalog for Beginners

·        Way of the Ancient Healer: Sacred Teachings from Philippine Ancestral Traditions

·        The Politics of Redress

·        Philippine Folklore Stories

·        Filipino Ghost Stories

·        Pan de Sal Saves the Day

·        My First Book of Tagalog Words

·        Filipino Home-style Dishes

The initiative was supported by Tuttle Publishing, Anvil Publishing, North Atlantic Books, Abela Publishing and the Mama Sita Foundation.

NY Times bestselling author visits PHILIPINES

National Book Store brings back New York Times’ bestselling author Lauren Kate for the launch of her new book titled Passion, the third installment to the supernatural romance series, ‘’Fallen,’’ on July 16, Glorietta 5 Atrium, and on July 17, Ayala Center Cebu Activity Center. With the success of ‘’Fallen’’ and its sequel ‘’Torment,’’ debuting at No. 3 and No. 1 in the New York Times Bestseller list respectively, ‘’Passion’’ is one of the most awaited young adult fiction releases this year.

In this new book, Lauren takes the readers into a journey with Luce, a devoted woman who spends her afterlife reliving her love story with Daniel in hopes of finding the key to a world where love transcends time and death. Terrified of what might happen if Luce rewrites history, Daniel decides to chase her through their shared pasts.

K-Zone releases ‘Boredom Buster 2’

K-Zone's latest book release, Boredom Busters 2 introduces kids to cool and fun things to do to bear boredom.

Kids can be spies, a wildlife adventurer, ghostbuster, movie director, rockstar or a mad inventor. The book also features puzzles, riddles and do-it-yourself activities and experiments

K-Zone Boredom Busters 2 also shows how to create your very own K-LEB Automata. Just cut-out the images and follow the simple instructions on how to make your very own miniature K-LEB.

Philippines’ Football “Team Azkals magazine”

Summit Media launches Team Azkals, an unofficial fan magazine featuring everything you need to know about the Azkals.

Featured are more than 45 unknown things about the Azkals—including their respective sports heroes, dream dates, and even their relationship status! The players themselves also reveal who is the team’s funniest, friendliest, and flirtiest member.

The magazine also gives a quick lesson on the basics of football, chronicles the team’s humble beginnings and recounts ten Azkal game highlights.

Team Azkals magazine comes with free pin-ups and posters and even tells you how to snag your favorite player’s heart. Team Azkals is now available in newsstands, bookstores and supermarkets nationwide for only P150.

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