Scarcity of farmlands in China's Strategy - 15 Chinese companies seek Philippines joint Agri-ventures

Another Fifteen Chinese companies expressed interest in partnering with Filipino agribusiness firms amid the ongoing tussle between Manila and Beijing on the ownership of Kalayaan Islands in the west Philippines’ Sea (WPS)’s 200 Nautical Miles Exclusive Economic Zone.

The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture spearheaded the China (Liaoning)-Philippines Agriculture Trade and Investment Promotion Forum held in Manila on July 7, 2011.

“We are here to promote agricultural cooperation between China and the Philippines,” said Li Zihu, deputy director of Liaoning Province Committee of Rural Economy.

AgriNurture Inc. (ANI) President Antonio Tiu said the Chinese government sought the assistance of the Department of Agriculture (DA) to organize the forum. “Around 15 companies participated in the forum. They are here to find local [agribusiness] partners,” said Tiu at the sidelines of the forum.

The head of ANI noted that it is the first time for the 15 companies from Liaoning province to visit the Philippines.

He said Chinese companies involved in agribusiness have the money and resources, but there is a scarcity of farmlands in China. “Here in the Philippines, we have enough farmlands, but we lack the investments to make those lands productive,” said Tiu.

Representatives and companies involved in dried-mango production, fisheries, cold storage, production of spices and rice production attended the forum.

Asked whether the companies are interested in leasing lands, Tiu said leasing lands is no longer a major consideration for the companies that attended the forum.

Among the Chinese companies that participated in the forum are

·         Beidahuang Group of Companies

·         Liaoyang Sansen Grain Trade Co. Ltd.

·          Tieling Eastern-Growing Food Co.

·          Chuangtu Country Furfural Factory

·         Linyi Xiang Hui Food Co. Ltd.

China’s “presence Strategy”

China has already created the 3 dimensional plans in invading the Philippines. It is not just the Philippines is very rich in agriculture, not just having started bubbling economy, not just having a very cheap labor rate in Asia, not just high unemployment rate, not just the Philippines Government welcome foreign investors BUT china’s plan A- B-C has already designed how to control the Philippines ‘ economy, power and sovereignty.

If china designed the Plan A-B-C to invade the Philippines; then the Filipinos must have to know this plan and make a counter plan A-B-C for china’s strategy. It is not just becoming a devil’s advocate in assessing the plan of china but it is that fact that china really want to control the Philippines because if china will win over the Philippines then it’s the doom of US power in Asia as China could hold the highest power for politics and economy Asia.

Do you think how important is the Philippines for the future?

The Philippines is so rich in natural resources. Balance of Natural resources from agricultural, gold, gas, oil, man power, and many other resources to mentioned which is yet untapped. If Saudi Arabia has the highest deposit of Oil and Gas then the Philippines’ Palawan shores have the same. Not just that; the rich agricultural land and great climate of the Philippines could not be found in Saudi Arabia and in any other countries of the World. The high literacy and man power skills of the Philippines are exceptional, so it means the Philippines have the best opportunity to grow and to lead for power and economy in Asia.

China’s tactic is to stay and live in the feet of the enemy and make friendship to their enemies in order for them to see and to know what the plans against them are is not hidden and they are well expressive though action. Though the Philippines never consider China as enemy but just an aggressive hungry dragon invaders; it is in china’s perspective that the Philippines could be; as the US is planning to regain back their power in Asia.

The Philippines must be vigilant in this chinas’ tactics.

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