12 Vietnamese Fishermen boat capsized rescued in Palawan - Philippines

Twelve Vietnamese fishermen were rescued after their fishing boat capsized and drifted toward the Palawan area in western Philippines due to Tropical Storm Juaning (Nock-Ten).

Navy spokesman Lt. Col. Omar Tonsay said the Vietnamese were rescued about 8:30 a.m. Thursday by Filipino fishermen aboard F/B Mayfair 19 between Constancia and Charybdis Shoals in the Sulu Sea, located southeast of Palawan.

From F/B Mayfair 19, the resuced Vietnamese were transferred to M/V Monalinda 19, which in turn brought them to mainland Palawan.

Tonsay said the fishermen were found to be in good physical condition after undergoing a medical cehck-up at the military headquarters of the Western Command in Puerto Princesa City.

The Vietnamese fishermen said they were fishing in Malaysian waters when they encountered engine trouble. Juaning aggravated things for the fishermen as their boat sank


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