Colonel Gaddafi's son spent thousands 'cavorting with prostitutes and taking drugs in £11m London mansion

A playboy son of Colonel Gaddafi spent thousands of pounds on drugs and prostitutes while staying in a multi-million-pound London mansion, according to his bodyguard.

Saadi Gaddafi, third son of the deposed Libyan leader, allegedly ordered his staff to summon prostitutes to the house and buy him hard drugs.

The former high-roller is now on the run, and is seeking refugee status in Niger.

But less than a year ago the son of the hated dictator was living a decadent lifestyle in Hampstead, says his British former bodyguard.

Stefan Bell, 33, was paid £300 a day to guard Saadi during his stay in Britain last November and December, but says he was 'intimidating and nasty and lived a bizarre life'.

'He did like his hookers,' Mr Bell told The Sun. 'He'd spend ages trawling the internet for Chinese escorts, they always had to be Chinese.'

The bodyguard also alleged that 38-year-old Saadi asked him to buy cocaine, and tried to buy a £50million house in Surrey - because the stereo system was broken in his Hampstead mansion.

However, despite living off the Libyan state - he would frequently demand money from the Libyan embassy in London - Saadi did not seem interested in politics, according to Mr Bell.

'He never came across as a politician or as a representative of the Libyan government,' the bodyguard said.

Another of Mr Bell's allegations, that Saadi was having a relationship with an 18-year-old man, tallies with the story of his ex-girlfriend, who said she once caught the playboy in bed with another man.

Former nightclub dancer Dafinka Mircheva told the Mail on Sunday earlier this year that she had had a six-year relationship with the dictator's son.

She said that he paid £500,000 to have the Pussycat Dolls perform at her birthday party, when they were staying at a villa in Cannes costing £8,000 per night.

The extravagant Libyan, who insisted on being called 'Engineer Saadi', wooed Ms Mircheva with suitcases of cash and thousands of pounds of designer jewellery - despite having a wife at home.

He was banned from a number of luxury hotels for his bizarre behaviour, such as cooking lamb ribs in his suite in the middle of the night.

Now Saadi, who has been entirely dependent on his father's regime for financial support, is seeking asylum in Niger, a desert state to the south-west of Libya.

A Niger government spokesman said on Sunday that Saadi, former captain of the Libyan national football team, had been found in a convoy in the north of the country.

The spokesman added that Gaddafi's son had 'no status at all' in Niger, meaning that he does not currently have the protections afforded to refugees.

Colonel Gaddafi himself is still on the run, and has so far escaped the clutches of the former rebels now running Libya.

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