Military Buildup in West Philippines Sea Spratlys - Red to break a war

December 6, 2011: The Philippines is feared of losing the Spratlys as it is the weakest country claimant in Spratlys in terms of Military capability. Most Part of the Spratlys is just within the Philippines's territory's 200 Nautical Miles Exclusive Economic Zone as the Spratlys archipelago is just within Philippines proximity but the country's capability to defend its territory is very low reason why neighbors are invading in which former Administration must be blame for stealing government money and less funding for the armed capability.  Blaming Ramos, Estrada and Arroyo is too late.

Anxiety has come and the Spratlys now is tagged as the most dangerous and restive sea. Though the Spratlys is the same geographic feature with the main islands of the Philippines as Archipelagic States that links the islands of the country; the government could not flex its power as china remains the most powerful and just a kick to sink the Philippines' military capability.

Though china is very far from the Spratlys as it is just within Philippines Proximity, Philippines is nothing as invading china is powerful which ready to compete with US powers.

Several countries with overlapping claims in the Spratlys of the Philippines territory which is adjacent to the Main Island Palawan, province of the Philippines  are reportedly tripled building up their military powers in the territory — a move that may endanger regional security and stability and looks like ready to broke a war.

China has intensify building up in areas within the Philippines Territory's 200 Nautical Mile Exclusive Economic Zone and Malaysia build an airbase in Layang – layang  near the  edge of the Southwestern part of Main Island Palawan which is also claimed by the Philippines 200 N Miles.

According to Indonesian Center of Democracy, Diplomacy and Defense executive director Teuku Rezasyah, Malaysia has two battleships, the Philippines one and another coming 1, China 27 and Taiwan 26 operating in the South China Sea.

He said Vietnam had several escort vessels operating in the area, while no data was available for Brunei's operations in the Spratlys islands.

"China's 27 naval vessels do not even include the aircraft carrier and submarines [it operates in the South China Sea],"

He said a Type 093 Shang class nuclear-powered attack submarine was observed at the pier under construction.

Significant construction is still underway at the Yalong Bay Naval Base on Hainan Island, including a fourth submarine pier at the southern section of the base, increased camouflage over the submarine pen and a bunkered rail line on the eastern side of the basin peninsula, he said.

"China has successfully massively reclaimed shores on Nam Yit Island and Southwest Cay Island, which borders the Philippines. China has made those hubs for its aircraft carriers based on satellite imagery," Rezasyah said.

He said that China was likely preparing for a worst-case scenario, with Nam Yit Island able to support three aircraft carriers.

China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam and Taiwan all have overlapping claims in the South China Sea, which is estimated to have oil and natural gas reserves amounting to 17.7 billion tons, making it the world's fourth-largest reserve bed.

The Paracels are claimed by China and Vietnam; Scarborough Shoals and Reed Bank  which described by Philippines president Aquinos as just like the Recto Avenue in manila as it is just in the side of few kilometers from the Philippines shore is claimed by China; Tungsha is claimed by China and Taiwan; the Spratlys are claimed by China, Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam, according to the ASEAN Secretariat.

According to Reza, Malaysia has built military bases on Layang-layang, a resort island that has a 1,356-meter-long airplane runway and is only 300 kilometers away from Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia's (Philippines' North Borneo) Sabah.

Northeast Cay Island, which is claimed by the Philippines, is integrated with the United States 7th Fleet. Although it is hard to physically verify it, "planes that are used in that area are the same planes used by the US 7th Fleet", he said.

Taiwan is building up its military forces in Tai Ping Dao Island (Itu Aba Island), which is also claimed by China, the Philippines and Vietnam, he said.

"The most fearful  for Taiwan is if China seizes Tai Ping Dao Island, which is claimed by Taiwan and China, because there will be no one who can do anything to help, not even ASEAN, thanks to the one China policy," Rezasyah said.

The territorial disputes in the South China Sea have brought the US into the field that is anticipating the risk of Chinese aggression possibly through its plan to deploy 2,500 US marines in Australia's Darwin, which is only 820 kilometers away from Indonesia.

Already, the US has 29,086 military personnel at its bases in South Korea and 35,688 military personnel at its bases in Japan, according to various sources.

The US also allegedly asked for Indonesia's help to counter China by asking Indonesia to use its newly granted F-16 fighter jets to help the US deal with China "if anything bad happens in the South China Sea", a source told the Post.

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