China called the Philippines Illegal exploring in the Palawan Shore

China on Tuesday (February 28, 2012) reaffirmed its claimed indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and its adjacent waters and protested against the Philippines' plan to explore for oil and natural gas in the area of the West Philippines Sea (South China Sea).

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei made the remarks at a regular news briefing when responding Philippine Secretary of Energy Jose Almendras' statement on inviting foreign investors to explore two oil and gas blocks in the Bloc 3 & 4 of the West Palawan Sea within 200 Nautical Mile Exclusive Economic Zone as china called it under China's jurisdiction base on their claim.

"It is unlawful for any country or company to explore oil and gas in sea areas under Chinese jurisdiction without the permission of the Chinese government," Hong said., pointing the Philippines as said to be illegally inviting investors to explore its oils in the Palawan Province

The Philippine Department of Energy is proceeding with plans to offer 15 offshore territories for oil and gas exploration, including two areas in Palawan province that are part of China's sovereign territory he said.

China blunting its claim that part of Palawan Province of the Philippines is under the china's jurisdiction in the recent news.

China protested the plans to invite foreign companies to explore in the two areas last year, saying they are part of the South China Sea region in waters where it has "historic titles" and "sovereign rights and jurisdiction".

The Philippines insisted the protest of China as the Sultanate State of Sulu has the full territorial rights back 7 century and call China to bring the disputes to the United Nations Convention but China rejects the call of the Philippines to resolve the disputes through UNCLOS but recommending for a bilateral discussion adding a bullying tactics by pronouncing to sanction the Philippines for not obeying their demand over the Spratly archipelago.

However, Philippine officials continue to maintain that the two areas in question - Area 3 and Area 4 in the licensing round - are not part of the disputed area in the West Philippines Sea (South China Sea) and are well within the country's territory, The Daily Tribune reported.

Almendras said on Monday (February 27, 2012) that the Philippines government would start awarding exploration contracts to some companies by March 2012, but did not say whether the permits would include Area 3 and Area 4.

Companies are allowed to submit pre-qualification documents until Wednesday (February 19, 2012).

The Department of Energy will let the Department of Foreign Affairs deal with diplomatic issues, according to the Philippine Star.

"I am sure it will have diplomatic complications, which I am sure the DFA will be able to handle," Almendras said.

Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei claim sovereignty over some areas in the West Philippines Sea (South China Sea), which are rich in natural resources.

Hong urged relevant countries to adhere to the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and refrain from taking moves that will complicate or aggravate the dispute, and make due efforts for the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

The huge potential interest in energy exploration is driving the Philippines to enlarge its presence in the area, said Zhang Tuosheng, a researcher at the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies.

"Its economic interference is against the spirit of Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea - changing the status quo in the disputed area," he said.

The Philippines insisted that the Declaration of Conduct or DOC is effective only in the disputed areas beyond 200 Nautical Miles Exclusive economic Zone but for the Red bank which is just few kilometers away from Main Island Palawan is not part of the Disputed areas but a territory of the Philippines which is also supported by international laws of Sea (UNCLOS) and the Archipelagic States Law which given title to the Philippines, Indonesia Bahamas, Papua New Guinea & Fiji held in Jamaica held in December 10, 1982.

CHINA IS NOT AN ARCHIPELAGIC STATE and must respect the International law of Sea and must respect the countries who have the right titles and ownership of the islands and territories as defined by the Archipelagic States – UNCLOS (See definition of Archipelagic States) according to the Philippine government law makers who refused to be name.

Wang Yingfan, former Chinese ambassador to the Philippines, said last week that China and the Philippines should jointly explore and develop some areas in the South China Sea.

During a meeting with Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario, Wang reiterated China's position that the Philippines should not allow a third party, such as the United States, to help resolve the problem, adding that "with goodwill and hard work, we could find a way out that's agreeable and acceptable to both sides".

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