Maoist CPP NPA Oppose US Pivot to Asia over Spratly’ Philippines – China conflict

Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) NPA in the Philippines accused US of using the Philippine Navy as its "frontline force" against China in connection with the brewing conflict over the Spratly Islands.

The China's funded Maoist CPP communist NPA in the Philippines even rejected by China recently show a gestures of supporting back China over Philippines Spratly territorial disputes to gain back the support of the Asian Communist Giant.

NPA irk the armament upgrade of the Philippines as Washington will turnover another Hamilton Class Cutter warship to the Philippines' government this year (2012). "The transfer of another naval cutter from the US government serves the purpose of US military buildup on the West Philippines Sea (South China Sea). Through such, the US is able to employ the Philippine Navy as an augmentation force in the course of its operations to permanently project its military presence and power in the area and secure the trade routes and Asian markets in the interest of US monopoly capitalist companies," the communist CPP NPA said in a statement.

Recently, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin confirmed talks about the acquisition of another Hamilton-class cutter.

However, Vice Admiral Alexander Pama, Navy flag officer in command, said there is no formal offer yet from the US government on the acquisition of another 40-year-old cutter.

Last year the Navy acquired its first cutter from the US Coast Guard under the Excess Defense Articles Program of the US.

Renamed to BRP Gregorio del Pilar (PF15), the US ship that was refurbished and put into operational mission by the Navy last December 2011 was deployed for maritime security patrol on the West Philippines Sea (South China Sea) right after the another intrusion of China on December 11 & 12, 2011 in the Sabina Shoal of Palawan Province with less than a hundred mile distance from the mainland Palawan island.

Also, the CPP NPA accused that transfer of the second Hamilton Class cutter to the Navy "further heightens" tension and is "provoking" China.

"Officials of the US Congress announced that its Foreign Relations Committee is about to wrap up the decision to transfer the US naval cutter Dallas by the end of the week or the 3rd week of February 2012 and plans to sail it to the Philippines soon thereafter. The naval cutter Dallas was commissioned by the US Coast Guard in 1967," it said.

But defense and military officials averred that the acquisition of new war materiél is part of the long-stalled modernization program of the Armed Forces and has nothing to do with the dispute over the Spratly Islands.

The government earlier announced that it was also negotiating with the US government for the acquisition of several F-16 "Fighting Falcon" jet fighters.

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