BCDA Funds Boost Philippines AFP Capability with recent upgrades

6 APC M113

CAMP GENERAL EMILIO AGUINALDO, Quezon City – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) was able to complete a total of 43 modernization and capability upgrade projects amounting to 4.7 Billion which was rooted out from the AFP's shares and proceeds remitted by the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA).

Out of the 43 completed projects, 19 were already delivered to the AFP and are now being used in the performance of our troops' duties.

Among the delivered for the Philippine Army (PA) were the following:

  • 1,621 Night Fighting System and
  • 6 APC M113
  • 402 Squad Automatic Weapon for the three Major Services and 8,100 Force Protection Equipment for Philippine Army (PA) and Philippines Navy ( PN).

For the Philippine Air Force (PAF):

  • 18 Basic Trainer Aircraft and one Aerial Camera

For the Philippine Navy (PN)

  • 2 Multi-purpose Attack Craft,
  • 4 Landing Craft Utility and 76mm Ammunition;

Multi-Purpose attack craft

For the General Headquarters:

  • 1 Integrated Radio Tracking System,
  • Base Communication Network Project,
  • Mobile Communication Network and Special Operations Communication Equipment,
  • Improvement of four AFP Medical Center Operating Rooms and Busbus Station Hospital

For the Public Affairs:

  • 62 units of Audio-Visual System.

And for the last tranche of remittance for 2011, the BCDA turned over recently 2.64 Billion to the national government as proceeds from the disposition of former military bases. As one of the long-term major beneficiaries, the AFP got the largest share of 2.37 Billion. This will add-up to the total previous remittances by BCDA amounting to 12.7 Billion which paved way for the obligation of the military's modernization projects.

The military is truly grateful for this particular milestone by the BCDA. The amount generated will be exhausted in observance of the budget execution guidelines by the military in other outlined and obligated projects. This will further equip the AFP in the necessary requirements of its capability upgrade and modernization projects which does not only benefit the men and women in uniform, but ultimately the whole Filipino nation as well.

Shares of the military will augment its BCDA funds to be consumed in the purchasing of obligated projects which fall under the AFP Modernization Program. Acquisition of several military equipment and the improvement of other military facilities across the country have been some of the major undertakings of which BCDA shares becomes a major contribution.

Aside from the shares received in the disposition of mentioned lots, the military also received share from non-sale transactions in forms of leases from several corporations.

Transactions of BCDA in which the military had its shares include the sales of Fort Bonifacio, DOE/JUSMAG property in Quezon City, expanded Big Delta lot, and Camp Bagong Bantay.

The disposition of former military camps such as the current Bonifacio Global City and Newport City brought about the turnover of the said amount to the national government. Said camps used to be the biggest military bases formerly known as Fort Bonifacio and Villamor Air Base.

The turned over amount is seen by BCDA President and CEO Arnel Casanova as very opportune for the government agencies that benefitted from their earnings to consume their respective share through the advancement of their projects.

"We, at the BCDA believe that it is only fitting to compensate our soldiers' hardship and sacrifices by contributing to the advancement of their capabilities and equipment so that they will be able to fulfill their mandate more efficiently and effectively. We sincerely appreciate the honorable service of our hardworking soldiers especially those who are in the frontlines bravely risking their own lives to make sure that our citizens are able to live a safe and peaceful life," Casanova said.

"We are truly inspired and grateful for the achievement of BCDA as their recent milestone provided more opportunities for the government in the realization of existing programs. The military will compensate the recent juncture with our sustained efforts in delivering better public service to the country and further boosting our external capabilities to uphold our sovereignty and integrity of our national territory," AFP Chief of Staff, LtGen Jessie D. Dellosa said.

Source: Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)

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