6 countries Aircraft Supplier will deliver 12 +6 fighter jets to Air Force by 2013

The Philippines Air Force will acquire 12 fighter jets and 6 other fixed-wing aircraft by 2012

18 Aircraft for the Philippine Air force could be delivered to the Philippines by 2013 according to Defense Assistant Secretary Patrick Velez. The jet fighters and fixed wing aircraft would be acquired from suppliers from 6 countries that are based from

  1. South Korea
  2. Italy
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Russia
  5. Brazil
  6. USA

Each jet costs about 1.2 billion peso or $28.4 Million USD, he added.

Velez said the six fixed-wing aircraft will be used to boost the military's counter-insurgency operations.

"These (six air assets) will replace the aging OV-10 Broncos (of the Air Force)," he said.

Officials are still finalizing details of the six air assets, which may be acquired from the United States, South Korea and Brazil.

Meanwhile, the Air Force expects for the delivery of the other armaments upgrade until 2016 for the following:

  • 6 surface attack aircraft and lead-in fighter trainers
  • Long-range patrol aircraft
  • One air defense radar
  • Special mission aircraft

Earlier, the Air Force said two of its cargo planes undergoing repairs are expected to be ready for operation by October 2012.

Previously, Air Force commander Lt. Gen. Lauro de la Cruz said the repair of a C-130 plane would be completed by July 2012, while the other aircraft would be rolled out in October 2012.

The two cargo planes would complement the lone C-130 aircraft of the military – a C-130 Hercules aircraft – which is being used to carry supplies and troops.

Four brand-new combat utility helicopters are also expected to arrive in November 2012.

The four constitute the second batch of Sokol combat utility helicopters acquired from Polish company PZL Swidnik SA.

The first four Sokol helicopters arrived last February. The acquisition of the eight helicopters cost 2.8 billion, including support equipment, spare parts and training.

A 2010 report by the Commission on Audit (COA) said the Air Force "virtually has a non-existent air deterrent capability" due to aging air assets.

As of 2010, only 27% of all air assets 91 of the 339 aircraft in the Air Force inventory are full mission-capable, 24% or 81 units are inactive and the rest are for disposal, COA added

As of 2010 for the total 339 Aircraft of the Philippine Air force

  • 91 units – Mission Capable
  • 81 units – Inactive (For repairs and others)
  • 167 units – For disposal (Vintage WWI assets /Junk)

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