Jessica Sanchez & More Koreans find more fun in the Philippines


Zest the Air for from Korea to the Philippines for $70 USD?

As of end 2011, the government estimates the annual number of incoming tourists from Korea to be at around 700,000 with the figure seen to even double by 2013. If the local socio-cultural landscape is any indication -- continuously inundated with Korean influences and trends in everything from pop songs, TV shows, and fashion -- the Filipinos' fascination and welcoming attitude toward this neighboring Asian country seems to be a permanent and lasting affair.

In fact, Koreans in the Philippines form the largest diaspora in Southeast Asia outside of their native country, and the eighth largest in the entire world. For local businesses and commercial industries, this spells a wealth of opportunity to tap into a powerful and moneyed market. The service, hospitality and tourism sectors are naturally at the forefront of this boom. "We have definitely observed and acknowledged the demand for easier, more convenient and more affordable air travel to and from Korea," says Alfredo Herrera, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer of Zest Air.

Zest Air, one of the leading budget carriers in the country, is stepping up its game by unveiling a new direct flight from Manila to Incheon beginning June 28 this year. The Manila-Incheon flight is now being offered at a special introductory price of just P2,999 ($70 USD) (base fare only).

Zest Air now has over 25 weekly flights between the Philippines and Korea. "We have added more schedules to Incheon and Pusan from Kalibo, Cebu and now Manila," notes Herrera. "This is in response to the burgeoning tourism market in our various popular provincial destinations such as Boracay. We want to capture and service the market directly."

The number of additional Korea flights is more than double its current offerings—a clear sign that Zest Air is shifting gears in its objective to be a formidable player in the local budget airline industry.

Herrera acknowledges this opportunity for growth as a success of the Department of Tourism's highly engaging and effective "It's More Fun In the Philippines" viral campaign. "We want to do our share in support of the government's initiatIves to draw in more tourists to visit the Philippines," he muses.

Aside from its Pusan and Incheon routes, Zest Air now also operates to other international destinations - Jinjiang, Taipei, and soon Shanghai and Khaoshung.  Zest Air is expected to announce more new and exciting destinations as part of its new offerings for this year.

"We want to help Koreans find more 'jae mi' in the Philippines," remarks Herrera with a smile. ("Jae mi" is Korean for "fun"). To know more about Zest Air, and to get the best deals, visit

Jessica pitches 'It's more Fun in the Philippines'

The Department of Tourism's "It's more Fun in the Philippines" slogan has been seen in different parts of the world -- on buses, walls, t-shirts and many more.

But recently, it was spotted in the hands of one of America's fast-rising celebrities – "American Idol" runner up Jessica Sanchez.

DOT's Ren Sapitan said Sanchez agreed to have the picture taken with the sign without hesitation to help promote the country's tourism efforts.

Sapitan said the picture was taken while the 16-year-old half-Filipina was waiting for President Aquino during her courtesy call in Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles Airport last June 8, 2012.

"I showed her the placard and told her that the Tourism Department is promoting its new tourism campaign so I asked her if she would mind having me take her photo with the sign. Without hesitation, she said sure and smiled," she said.

Sapitan added that as a souvenir, he gave Sanchez's mom, who is a Filipina, a magnet of the logo which was the same size as the placard.

Sanchez's photo holding the "It's more Fun in the Philippines" sign is now going viral online.

In one of her past interviews, Sanchez said she has never been outside the United States and she is happy that her first out of the country trip would be to her mom's native country.

Sanchez, along with the rest of the "Idol" finalists, will be in the Philippines to hold a concert on September 21.

"I've never been out of the country before. To go to the Philippines for the first time, it must be amazing. I can't wait," she said.

Grabbing more fun in the Philippines while in South Korea? Zest the Air! Zest the Air for from Korea to the Philippines for $70 USD?

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