Cambodia a Pro-China Might be KICK-OUT from ASEAN over BIAS Summit

45 Years Association of Southeast Asia Nation (ASEAN) is founded by the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand on August 8, 1967 signed in Ministry of Foreign affairs in Bangkok, Thailand.

ASEAN is a geo-political economic organization to promote the rights of every member to lead its national existence free from external interference, subversion or coercion, Effective cooperation between members, justice, equality, freedom and integrity in ASEAN countries.

Cambodia an adopted member of ASEAN is entitled of a rotation chairmanship as ASEAN member but during the recent summit for the existence of ASEAN for 45 years, Cambodia is showing it's less capability to promote justice, and lost its integrity to favor a country which is not an ASEAN member for a return of economic favor. This summit is hinted with a massive corruption of Cambodia and embarrassment to the world. 

Cambodia might face sanction from ASEAN members or might be kickout from ASEAN bloc for its violation and betrayal to other ASEAN member and founder of the organization

Philippines, one of the founder of ASEAN is disappointed of the bias Cambodia..

Despite its disappointment over the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' failure to reach an accord on handling disputes in the West Philippine Sea, the Philippines is not keen on cutting ties with ASEAN chair Cambodia.

But deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said Malacañang is leaving to the Department of Foreign Affairs on what the Philippines' next action will be.

"We share the disappointment of the other foreign ministers. We have seen statements from different foreign ministers that attended the meeting in Cambodia. I think in 45 years this is the first time this happened, a communiqué was not issued despite the fact that Asean had dealt with contentious issues in the past," Valte said on government-run dzRB radio.

She said this has prompted the Philippines to consider its options, but deferred further comment on the matter to the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Asked if the Philippines should reconsider its ties with Cambodia amid perceptions it is "pro-China," Valte indicated this is a remote possibility.

"There are things that can still be hammered out without going down that road," she said.

Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario addresses the media during a press conference in suburban Pasay City, south of Manila, Philippines, after his return from the ASEAN Regional Forum in Cambodia on Friday, July 13, 2012

When asked if President Benigno Aquino III will attend the upcoming ASEAN summit this November, she said he has not indicated he would back out of it.

"Wala siyang sinabing anything to the contrary, that he will not (Aquino has not indicated he will back out of attending the summit)," she said.

On the other hand, Valte said the Philippines will respect China's claim that the ASEAN summit was productive.

"We will respect that assessment in the same way we have our own assessment," she said.

The ASEAN, with Cambodia holding the rotating chairmanship, on Friday (July 13, 2012) failed to reach consensus on handling disputes in the South China Sea.

Cambodia had rejected a compromise on the wording of a joint communiqué, amid China's assertiveness in the disputed waters.

But China said the foreign ministers' talks at the ASEAN summit had been "productive."

The DFA had deplored the non-issuance of a communiqué at the 45th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting, saying it was "unprecedented in ASEAN's 45 year of existence."

In a statement, the DFA also said the Philippines "takes strong exception" to the statement made by the Chair of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting that this will be "the first time that ASEAN is not able to issue the Joint Communiqué due to bilateral conflict between some ASEAN Member States and a neighboring country."

Also, the DFA said the competing claims in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) involve four ASEAN member states – the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei – and so this dispute is not a mere bilateral conflict with a northern neighbor but a multilateral one.

Does Cambodia's chairmanship for ASEAN Bloc is justified? 

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