Sabah Government eyed linking Palawan – Sabah RORO Service

KOTA KINABALU,  (Aug 14, 2012) -- The Government will consider the proposal to operate a roll-on and roll-off (RORO) vessel service between Kudat and Palawan in the Philippines, Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri said today

In welcoming the proposal, he said, the service would bolster trade in the two provinces, particularly in Kudat, in north Sabah

The RORO vessel is designed to ferry heavy machinery, cars, trucks, lorries and trailers.

"We at the ministry welcome the suggestion. If it materialises, it's not only profitable in terms of trade, but will also boost Sabah's tourism industry," said Abdul Rahim, who is also Kudat Member of Parliament, to reporters after attending the 2.0 National Transformation Program Roadmap Open Day.

Sabah Bumiputera Chamber of Commerce Honorary Treasurer Roselan Johar Mohamed said recently that the RORO service was made possible following the conclusion of an agreement between the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines and East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Malaysia and the RORO operator based in Batangas, the Philippines, last month.


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