AUSTAL Ship: Building relationships in the Philippines for warship order?

Philippine President Benigno Aquino and Austal Engineering's new CFO Greg Jason unveiling a plaque to officially open the company's shipyard in Cebu, the Philippines

Building relationships in the Philippines

Three years ago, Perth-based shipbuilder Austal's new chief financial officer, Greg Jason, discussed his career aspirations with chief executive Andrew Bellamy, who told him he needed more operational experience if he wanted to become finance chief.

He subsequently took on the role of chief operating officer Asia, based in the Philippines, where he has been overseeing the mobilization of the Cebu shipyard.

When former CFO Richard Simons resigned in October Jason says he immediately put his hand up.

"I'd made a commitment to mobilize the Philippines shipyard and that was almost completed so the timing was pretty good," he says.

"Now I have been responsible for delivering the numbers not just commenting on them."

Days into his new role, Jason gave Philippine President Benigno Aquino a tour of the Cebu shipyard at its grand opening.

He invited the president to attend the event after both men spoke at an Australian government-organized trade forum in October.

"The Philippines exports a lot of labor, and so many of the local workers are proud to be manufacturing and exporting something," says Jason. The president seems pleased to see that Austal is not just building in the country but transferring some intellectual property, he says.

In the long term, Jason hopes Austral will win contracts from the Philippine government.

To be successful offshore it is important to build relationships with stakeholders, including government agencies, by meeting face to face, he says.

"If you allow consultants and advisers to get in the way it becomes harder to articulate yourself, and harder to understand what the other side wants."

"The Philippines has worked hard to change its image as a more investment friendly country."

"People don't want to lose face so you have to be very careful to praise publicly and if there is any negative feedback which needs to be delivered coach privately. "

Jason relocated back to Perth late last month, but he expects to spend a considerable amount of time travelling to the Philippines and the US. (

Financial Review 

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