The Philippines is moving in VERY RIGHT DIRECTION while China Going TOO WRONG

China Printed a passport map including the territory of India, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei. China burn woods and throw the ashes and charcoal to the backyard and accused the Philippines for creating crime

The  published Monday (January 14, 2013) an opinion accusing the Philippines as escalating tension and invading China's territory titled "Philippines moves in wrong direction."

As an editor of the Rebuilding for the Better Philippines, I am so excited to share my opinion backed with facts about the Twisted Publication of China. China now is in trouble with their Artificial Economic Growth by keep building Ghost Cities without inhabitants just to sustain their economic growths to boast to the world that they are still growing while hundreds of thousands of Chinese people suffering from poverty and living in a very small rooms as kitchen, living room, dining room as 1 place together while millions of high rise apartments built from the tax of their people are empty as Ghost Cities.

China's economy continues to grow artificially but how long would this china's artificial growth sustain? Millions of Apartment units built by the communist government rising in southern part of china but remains empty for already more than 16 years.

While China is suffering from their internal conflicts, injustice to their people, corruption from their high public officials, they burn woods and throw the ashes and the wood charcoals in the backyard and accused the neighbors of the crime. This is what's happening in the West Philippines Sea, the old Sultanate of Sulu Territory.

We back 12th to 15th Century; the old Sultanate of Sulu is extended from Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, North Borneo, Palawan and the Spratly Islands. After the invasion of Spain the Sultanate of Sulu was deprived its power which forced them to turnover their rights to the Republic of the Philippines while Britain illegally took the North Borneo and ceded to Malaysia.

The painful history of the Spain's invasion to the Philippines is the root of all the conflicts in the West Philippines Sea (South China Sea), that give china a chance to grab some portions of the territory. The loss of the old Sultanate of Sulu in 15th century is the reason why China claimed the Spratly beginning the 15th century. Though the Sultanate of Sulu ceded its territorial rights to the Republic of the Philippines, still the dispute exists as china is interested in the territory as it sit on the vast of Oil and Gas deposits which ranks as the largest deposits in the world.

Recently, China illegally established a sansha City in the Paracel, a 200 Nautcial miles Exclusive economic Zone of Vietnam close to Hainan Island and several hundreds of kilometers distance from the Spratly. The illegal establishment of china stirs the region. Later then china intensity the trouble by printing their passports including the territory of India, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei and announced that it would deploy the most advanced warship to the west Philippine waters which they claimed they owned, and giving authority to their police to board any ships entering the waters which triggers anger from Japan, India and USA calling for freedom of Navigation in the international waters in the West Philippine Sea.

With all the china's "IDIOT-KASI" it such called they burn woods and throw the ashes and charcoal to the backyard and accused the Philippines for creating crime.

The Philippines is no-matched with china in terms of war equipment but more-matched with china in terms of legality and ownership in the Philippine territory's   disputed islands because it is well within the 200 Nautical miles Exclusive economic Zone of the Philippines.

The tension is also a lesson to the Philippines to wake up and build up its armaments because china's leader the communist government with its brain is hanged in their butts believes that "What is mine is mine; and what is yours is mine too" and will not respect any international law.

Now, people in the World, read the China's accusation to the Philippines titled…

"Philippines moves in wrong direction."

.. here it goes… <China begin>

While the tree craves calm, the wind will not subside. This is a proverb the Chinese media frequently quoted last year when commenting on the rifts between China and the Philippines over the South China Sea. At the start of the New Year, the wind from Manila is again blowing in the wrong direction, as politicians in the country have made irresponsible remarks that will stir up new tensions in the disputed waters.

On Wednesday, Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario asked China to explain its deployment of a patrol ship to guard islands and waters in the South China Sea, saying the move has sparked new tensions over the disputed waters. This is a false accusation and Manila's top diplomat should not forget that his own country raised the tensions in the disputed waters in the first place last year.

In April, a Filipino warship harassed Chinese fishermen who were fishing around Huangyan Island, which belongs to China. China's marine surveillance fleet had to rescue them. The incident triggered a standoff between Chinese surveillance ships and Filipino vessels and drove Sino-Philippine ties to their lowest ebb for years.

The more frequent presence of Chinese marine surveillance ships in these waters since then has been a response to Manila's provocative moves. The State Oceanic Administration, which is responsible for overseeing and safeguarding national maritime rights and interests, said on Thursday that it will continue to carry out regular patrols in China's territorial waters in the East China and South China seas. It is a normal practice for a sovereign state to patrol its territorial waters. Instead of feeling uncomfortable about it, Manila had better get use to it.

Also on Wednesday, Del Rosario said the Philippine government is mulling turning some of the disputed Nansha Islands into tourist destinations. The Philippine military had already said that the country may build infrastructure on them. All these constitute an open defiance to China's sovereignty as China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters and opposes any move that could impair China's sovereignty.

If Manila takes further steps in this regard, it is sure to meet with strong opposition as well as countermeasures from China. It is now crystal clear that Manila is determined to play the role of a troublemaker and seeks every opportunity to escalate tensions in the South China Sea.

To confront China over the issue, Manila has painstakingly enlisted support from other countries, including some from outside the region. Last year, it took steps to strengthen its military alliance with the United States, with the intention that once its disputes with China slip out of control the sole superpower will be dragged into a head-on confrontation with China.

The Philippines has also pledged support to Japan, which wants to play a bigger role in the region, and has proposed bilateral maritime security cooperation. On Thursday, after a meeting with visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, Del Rosario said they discussed Japanese help in improving the Philippines' coastguard capability.

According to Del Rosario, the Philippines is seriously considering acquiring 10 new patrol boats from Japan through soft loans or loans that have low interest rates with flexible payment terms under Japan's Official Development Assistance.

However, with Japan being involved in its own dispute with China over the Diaoyu Islands and the strong anti-Japanese sentiments in Philippine society, how far Manila and Tokyo can enhance their strategic partnership is open to question.

And neither country should make strategic misjudgment and underestimate China's determination to safeguard its territorial waters.

The author is a senior writer


Thank For reading folks.  Let,s make a fruitful discussion here how to ride or to stop the china's way of thinking, and How could this country become a leader if the Communist government is a brainless and lawless government. This is Dan We, one of the authors and editors of the Rebuilding for the Better Philippines.

I would like to remind all readers for the following:

The called Huangyan Island of China is the Scarborough Shoal or the Panatag Shoal in the Zambales province of the Philippines, a place close to where the USA set-up their largest Military base in Asia.

The so called disputed Nansha Islands of China is the Spratly islands or the Kalayaan Municipality in the Province of Palawan. Even idiot knows about this that the so called Nansha Islands is within 200 Nautical Miles exclusive economic Zone of the Philippines while thousand of kilometers far from China.

Reminders: China is currently maintaining a Military garrison in Palawan illegally, in the Mischief Reef or Panganiban reef which is only 75 Miles from Puerto Princesa, Palawan.

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