Taiwan - China Threatens to Halt Filipino Hiring Over Fisherman’s Death

Taiwanese Fishermen shoot dead by Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) found poaching in Balintang Channel, Basco Batanes, the Philippines. Should the Philippines will ask apology for killing the poachers inside the Philippines waters during their operation? This Balintng Channel is not a contested area because this is the Philippine Water within or in the middle of the Philippines Islands and not in any boundaries. China and Taiwan are used to poached and fish inside the Philippines  because the Philippines is a weak country who do not have capability to guard its waters. China and Taiwan were used to abused the Weak Philippines and now demanding for apology for the death of the Taiwanese poachers inside the Philippines Waters. If you are the owner of the house, and you found the thieves inside stealing your assets and attempted to kill you so you fight back and killed the thieves, are you going to ask apology? . Map from Google

Taiwan President Ma Ying-Jeou threatened to recall his representative to the Philippines and freeze labor applications if its neighbor fails to respond within 72 hours to requests for an apology and an investigation into the shooting of a fisherman last week.

Ma issued "four solemn requests" after a Philippines patrol boat shot the fisherman dead on May 9, including compensation, commencement of talks over fishing rights and punishment of the perpetrators, the presidential office said in a statement on its Website last night.

Taiwan fishing vessel Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 was hit by at least 32 bullets, killing a 65-year-old crew member, 164 nautical miles (304 km) southeast of Taiwan's southern tip in waters north of the Philippines. The Philippine Coast Guard will investigate the incident, its commander, Rear Admiral Rodolfo Isorena, said May 10.

Failure to respond within the time line, which commenced May 12, will result in Taiwan protesting by halting applications by Filipino workers, recalling Taiwan's representative to the Philippines and sending the Philippines' representative back to deal with the case, according to the statement.

To contact the reporter on this story: Tim Culpan in Taipei at tculpan1@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Michael Tighe at mtighe4@bloomberg.net; Bruce Grant at bruceg@bloomberg.net; Dick Schumacher at dschumacher@bloomberg.net


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