FIFA to probe punishment Hong Kong's racism; booed! Philippine Nat'l Anthem, "Slaves", middle finger up, threw bottles to women and children

HK investigates racism at Philippines friendly

Reports of racist abuse during Hong Kong's home friendly against the Philippines this week are being investigated by local football authorities.

Hong Kong fans at Tuesday's game called their Filipino counterparts "slaves," threw bottles at them and booed the Philippines national anthem, according to the South China Morning Post newspaper and a Filipino journalist at the game. The Philippines won 1-0.

The Hong Kong Football Association will release an official report to the public and FIFA after it completes its investigation, spokesman Benny Chan said on Wednesday (June 5, 2013).

Philippines football officials said they were waiting for a report from their team before deciding whether to complain to FIFA.

The incident comes as FIFA decided last week to treat racist abuse more seriously by toughening up punishments.

Cedelf Tupas, a Philippine Daily Inquirer reporter, said the hostility began before the game even started.

 Reports of racist abuse during Hong Kong's home friendly against the Philippines this week are being investigated by local football authorities.

Hong Kong fans at Tuesday's game called their Filipino counterparts "slaves," threw bottles at them and booed the Philippines national anthem, according to the South China Morning Post newspaper and a Filipino journalist at the game. The Philippines won 1-0.

The Hong Kong Football Association will release an official report to the public and FIFA after it completes its investigation, spokesman Benny Chan said on Wednesday.

Philippines football officials said they were waiting for a report from their team before deciding whether to complain to FIFA.

The incident comes as FIFA decided last week to treat racist abuse more seriously by toughening up punishments.

Cedelf Tupas, a Philippine Daily Inquirer reporter, said the hostility began before the game even started.

with report from phiSTAR

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