USA to build-transfer Nuclear Technology to Vietnam, Mindanao Brownout up to 2016 - Plants close jobless rise, Philippines DOE NGA-NGA!..

David Shear, US ambassador to Vietnam (L), and Nguyen Quan, Vietnam’s Minister of Science and Technology clap their hands after signing a civilian nuclear pact in Hanoi on Tuesday. PHOTO COURTESY OF VIETNAMNET

Nuclear Power for Mindanao on study for 200 years research- DOST ??

Mindanao businessmen have appealed to the government to consider setting up a nuclear power plant in the region, which has been experiencing daily rotating brownouts  since 2010  and expected to last until 2016 or beyond.

If renewable are insufficient to meet the economy-driven burgeoning demand for power, we need even to look into nuclear power.  Most countries in the world with cheap electricity have nuclear power.”

President Benigno Aquino III has expressed openness to a proposal to use modern nuclear power technology in Mindanao to address the power shortage in the region.

Aquino said what is important is to ensure that whatever nuclear power plant is built in Mindanao will conform to international safety standards, citing the radiation case in Fukushima, Japan.

"We will study that," Aquino said in a press briefing on Monday.

Former lawmaker Mark Cojuangco, during the 2012 power summit in Davao City, has proposed the use of small modular reactors, a relatively new and supposedly safer form of nuclear power, for Mindanao.

"There is an ongoing study (on the possible use of nuclear power in Mindanao) by the Department of Science and Technology," the President said. (Interaksyon)

Commentary: If the Philippine Government is serious to solve the Blackout in Mindanao which expected to last for more than 6 years, then only Nuclear Power is the answer. USA could grant a build and transfer of nuclear Technology for Mindanao like Vietnam . How long would it takes for DOST to Study? The technology is already there.... then what's the contribution of DOST? To build its own NUCLEAR Plant that would last for 100 or 200 years research? Even Geothermal plant technology are imported then what's the capability of DOST to make its own Nuclear power plant?

Noynoy Aquino loves challenge right? yeah we all love challenges so face this Mindanao Problem Mr. President now!. Let the AFP handle the peace and order and DOE to work for Power crisis because majority of the people in Mindanao are living in peace and wants this blackout to end NOW!!

Manufacturing plants in Mindanao are keep on shutting down because of the continous black out and lay-off or fired many employees... resulting to continuously rising of JOBLESS in Mindanao. 

Mindanao is safe and less prone from earthquake than Luzon. Many parts of Mindanao are "Fault-line Free" which means it's safe to build nuclear plants in those areas .. and DOST knew it.

US to tap Vietnam’s nuclear power market under new pact

The United States and Vietnam Tuesday signed a deal on civilian nuclear energy that will allow the US to transfer technology and sell its reactors to the Southeast Asian nation.

The so-called “123 agreement” was signed by US ambassador to Vietnam David Shear and Vietnam’s Minister of Science and Technology Nguyen Quan in Hanoi, under the authorization of President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

“This agreement will create opportunities for Vietnam to access the US modern technology in the nuclear power field, as well as pave the way for US companies to invest in Vietnamese market,” said Nguyen Quan.

Meanwhile, David Shear said the pact would build a solid foundation for the cooperation between Vietnam and the US in the civil nuclear sector.

Vietnam is pursuing nuclear energy in order to deal with its present shortage of energy. The country hopes nuclear power to provide more than 10 percent of its total power generation needs by 2030.- Thanh Nien News

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