Malaysian Police Suffocate and Killed 3 Innocent teen Filipinos in Sabah North Borneo - Abuse Anew!


DFA probes deaths of 3 Filipino teens in Sabah

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is probing the deaths of three Filipino teenagers who died in Sabah after Malaysian authorities launched a raid on undocumented individuals.

Reports said that the three Filipinos, who were siblings, were suffocated when they hid from authorities in a narrow space at the central market where the crackdown was launched. The three were rushed to the hospital but were declared dead on arrival.

Vice President Jejomar Binay said he shared the DFA’s call “for a full and impartial investigation by the concerned Malaysian authorities.”

“The Philippine government is concerned about the treatment of Filipinos abroad, regardless of their work status,” Binay said in a statement on Friday.

“Our countrymen risk leaving their homes and families to live and work decently abroad, and even as we respect the laws of the countries they are in we nonetheless ask that they be treated humanely,” he said.

Binay urged overseas Filipino workers to go through “the proper and legal channels” to ensure that they have the government’s protection and “to avoid becoming victims of trafficking and illegal recruitment syndicates.” RC - INQUIRER

Sabah, North Borneo  Location - Aljazeera.

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