9th Anniversary since birth 22 June 2009. Congratulations! 9th Anniversay
Happy 9th Year Anniversary "PESORESERVE.COM"

Founded  on June 22, 2009 as "Rebuilding for a Better Philippines" aimed to educate the Filipinos how to love our country, how we lost Sabah North Borneo, and reinvigorating the burning heart of our Kababayans and fellow OFWs to love our "Bayan" our country; now we are at our 9th year of existence.. 

Exposing dirty secrets of  the self-serving politicians that affects the nation and its people, exposing corruptions, exposing threats to  our sovereignty, sharing good news, sharing business news, sharing corruption issues to awaken the people and to take action..

We are not group of rebels! We obey God, we do not spread fake news!

Rebellion is a Sin!

Proverbs 17:11
Evil people are eager for rebellion, but they will be severely punished.
1 Samuel 15:23
For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has also rejected you from being king.
We do not spread fake news!
Exodus 20:16
You shall not bear FALSE witness against your neighbor.
Exodus 23:1
You shall not spread a false report. Do not join the wicked by being a malicious witness.
We believe in the word of God written in the Bible.

We were just the first website in the  Philippines that exposed the  fast reclamation and invasion of China in our West Philippine Sea though our intelligence partners in South Korea. We awaken the People and we awaken the previous Aquino Administration to act the right thing for the country. 

How the local and International Community viewed us ( ? were used as reference by the AIDEA Philippines's leading design firm were used  as reference by the  through Ms Jasmin Nam were used as reference by the with topic of "Economic Disparities" were used as reference by 2011 WAIS Conference  were used as reference by the, WESCOM, aphgrun, and many others trusted our posts and publications.

We are not biased!

We are the only archive that keeps the leaks and news from the news websites in the country. If politicians paid  to take down the content of the other online news websites in the Philippines and those news were captured by the "Rebuilding for a Better Philippines" website then it would retain in our site, live and accessible by many.

We exposed how former Philippine president Fidel  Valdez Ramos make money in selling the Asia's largest Steel Factory, the National Steel Corporation (NSC) in Iligan City

We exposed how Ninoy Aquino betrayed the country in selling Sabah North Borneo to Malaysia to come into power
But we are more into Good news, business news and better news! We are born to give a positive outlook for the people! We aimed to have a better Philippines so we sometimes avoid posting bad news as it could be detrimental to country's progress..

We are Rebuilding for a Better Philippines,
We are



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