China to sink 2 US aircraft carriers killing 10,000 in SCS WAR Admiral Warns Washington

China-USA war 2019
He said China’s anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles were more than capable of taking out US carriers

Battleships Chinese admiral warns Beijing could sink two US aircraft carriers killing 10,000 sailors to win battle for South China Sea

A CHINESE naval chief warned his country's military might need to SINK two US aircraft carriers to solve disputes over the South China Sea - risking 10,000 lives.

Rear Admiral Lou Yuan - deputy head of the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences - made his chilling threat while speaking at a top level military summit.

“What the United States fears the most is taking casualties,” the notoriously outspoken military expert declared.

He said the loss of one super carrier would cost the US the lives of 5,000 service men and women. Sinking two would double that toll.

“We’ll see how frightened America is,” he then said, reports

He bragged China’s new anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles are more than capable of taking out US carriers, despite them being at the center of a "bubble" of defensive escorts.

His threats came just ten days after experts warned a war between US and Chinese forces in the South China Sea could break out in 2019.

China-USA war 2019
The nuclear-powered USS George Washington aircraft carrier docked in Busan, South Korea

Concerns are mounting the two superpowers could become embroiled in a terrifying conflict in the directly contested region which could kill thousands of people.

Malcolm Davis, a senior analyst in defense strategy and capability at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in Canberra, told Sun Online: "Expect greater tension in the South China Sea. China won’t back down – nor will the US.

"The South China Sea will remain a key flash point between China and the US, who are now engaged in an extended period of strategic competition."

In his speech, Admiral lou said there were ‘five cornerstones of the United States’ open to exploitation: their military, their money, their talent, their voting system - and their fear of adversaries.

He said China should “use its strength to attack the enemy’s shortcomings. Attack wherever the enemy is afraid of being hit. Wherever the enemy is weak …”

It’s not the controversial commentator’s first aggressive outburst.

In December he said: “If the US naval fleet dares to stop in Taiwan, it is time for the People’s Liberation Army to deploy troops to promote national unity on (invade) the island.

“Achieving China’s complete unity is a necessary requirement. The achievement of the past 40 years of reform and opening-up has given us the capability and confidence to safeguard our sovereignty.

"Those who are trying to stir up trouble in the South China Sea and Taiwan should be careful about their future.”

Observers at the Council on Foreign Relations’ Centre for Preventive Action have ranked the South China Sea as a hotspot as Beijing and Washington refuse to back down over who controls the oil and gas rich region.

Read more at THE SUN
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