France, Germany & U.K. Protested China for Continuous illegal Occupation in Philippine's EEZ

France, Germany & U.K. Protested China for Continuous illegal Occupation in Philippine's EEZ

The Hague ruling on 12th July 2016 concluded that China has no legal rights to the (360 KM) 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the other countries surrounding the South China Sea / West Philippine Sea and invalidating the 9 dash line claim extending to almost all areas of the Sea.

Allied Countries Ignored the Philippines' Victory from UNCLOS in 2016

Benigno Aquino's administration loss the Panatag Shoal versus China during the 2012 stand off resulting his administration to wrapped up and spent millions of people's tax to fight with China at the UN court and to invalidate the control of China at the Panatag Shoal which is just within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines. Benigno Aquino also invoked the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) with USA but Obama rejected the validity of USA-Philippines MDT calling the Philippines as just a client state NOT AN ALLY. Leaving China's supremacy to control the Panatag Shoal.

Western political experts warned Washington's action for ignoring the Philippines- USA Mutual Defense Treaty as a big foul as it could hint to other US allies that Washington is not a reliable partner .  

After almost 4 years legal battle, Philippines won over China's claim but it was not recognized by China leaving a threat to have a full blown war with the Philippines or to any country that would push them back. 

After the 2016 UNCLOS ruling in favor to the Philippines, the country started rallying support from allied countries to implement the UN court ruling, asking the US to police and implement the UN final judgement but no answer from Washington if they would implement the UN ruling and not even a single country in Asia, to Europe and to America stand with the Philippines to police the Hague ruling leaving the country to stand alone celebrating the victory which could not be implemented. 

Political experts explained that China's business and economic influence in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America are behind the silence of the other countries to support the Philippines leaving the country alone to police and to implement the ruling against China. 

The Philippines is not capable to police China's might in the West Philippine Sea. 

2016's incoming Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte shifted alliance towards China to mend the relationship and to gain economic leverage. China then pledged Billion Dollar investments to the Philippines, to fund the "Build Build Build program" of the Duterte administration. 

For Duterte; since no one is willing to support the Philippines to police against the might of China in the South China Sea then why not make business with China anyway the Philippines is not aiming to compete the China's might but the White house and European Countries. Duterte pushed for the Independent foreign Policy then shifted towards China, declared the lose of USA over its friendship and alliance with the Philippines and even threatening to cancel the VFA.

Continued China's Rise and Took Over Hong Kong

China successfully took over Hong Kong's Security that triggered USA, UK, Australia and European countries to challenge China's might in South China Sea. USA then sent Twin Aircraft carriers. France, Australia, UK, and India also sent their warship to South China Sea to challenged China's control over Hong Kong's autonomy but it is for Hong Kong not for the UN Tribunal ruling that favored the Philippines. 

Duterte continued distancing the Philippines from the western power in confronting China and even ordered the Philippine Navy not to join with the western warships patrolling at the South China Sea. 

USA and its European allies found another option to Challenge China and also win back the heart of Filipinos  at the same time. For more than 4 years of waiting, finally European power challenge China by filing a protest at the UN to recognized the Philippines' victory at the UN Tribunal for the law of the Sea. The Philippines should not be complacent of this because their action is for China's control to Hongkong not really for the Victory of the Philippines over China at the UN tribunal Law of the Sea.

France, Germany, UK recognize PH win vs. China in South China Sea row

 — France, Germany, and the United Kingdom issued a joint note verbale to the United Nations on Thursday challenging China's sweeping claims in the South China Sea and recognizing the 2016 arbitral ruling favoring the Philippines.

The three countries made the stand as state parties to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) which govern the freedom of passage on seas and coastal boundaries by nations in international waters.

The three nations maintained that China's exercise of "historic rights" over the South China Sea does not comply with international law and UNCLOS provisions.

The note verbale also states that the three countries support a peaceful resolution of the maritime claims in the South China Sea in accordance with the UNCLOS principles and dispute settlement procedures.

"This position is reaffirmed without prejudice to competing claims of coastal states over disputed territorial sovereignty to naturally formed land features and to areas of the continental shelf in the South China Sea on which France, Germany, and the United Kingdom take no position," the note verbale reads.

The Chinese and the Philippine governments have yet to comment on the note verbale issued by the three nations.

In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration sided with the Philippines in its case against China which said there was no legal basis for Beijing to claim historic rights over most of the South China Sea using their "nine-dash line" claim. China has repeatedly refused to honor the arbitration ruling.

In the fourth anniversary of the historic PCA ruling last July, Foreign Affairs Secretary Teddy Boy Locsin Jr. called on China to adhere to the ruling, saying the arbitration award is "non-negotiable." read more at CNN Philippines

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