Philippines Offers Permanent Residency to Any Foreigner who Invest US$75,000 in business or securities

Philippines Offers Permanent Residency to Any Foreigner who Invest US$75,000 in business or securities

The Philippines offers an attractive alternative to Thailand's 10 Year LTR Visa 

The Philippines has launched a Special Investor Resident Visa (SIRV) which offers permanent residency to any foreigner who invests at least $ 75,000 in business or securities.

The visa gets more rewards for a smaller investment than Thailand's long-term resident (LTR) visa, which hasn't attracted as much attention as initially hoped since its launch last month. Once a foreigner has invested in the Philippines, they are immediately granted residency, which Thailand does not offer. The SIRV holder, spouse and children can freely enter and leave the Philippines whenever they want, forever. Whereas, investors applying for a 10-year visa in Thailand must have assets worth 36.5 million baht (US $ 1 million), an annual income of around 3 million baht (US $ 80,000) per year. year and an investment in Thailand worth 18.3 million baht ($ 500,000).

In order for retirees to qualify for the LTR Thailand visa, they must be at least 50 years old and have an annual income of around 1 million baht and an investment of around 9.1 million baht ($ 250,000). Remote workers applying for Thai LTR visa must be employed by qualified foreign companies with an income of 3 million baht per year or an annual personal income of 1.5 million baht, have a master's degree, own intellectual property assets or receive Series A funding.

The same goes for highly qualified professionals applying for the Thailand LTR visa. They must generate similar income or have a master's degree in science and technology.

Malaysia offers a 20-year Premium Visa Program (PViP) for an investment of USD 220,000. The country also offers "Malaysia My Second Home" (MMSH), for anyone who is at least 35 years of age, who has liquid assets equivalent to approximately $ 320,000 and a monthly income of at least $ 8,600.

Cambodia offers the Cambodia My Second Home (CM2H) visa which offers potential citizenship to any investor who has generated $ 100,000. Applicants must invest in property with the Khmer Home Charitable Association. The visa offers a work permit, just like the Thai LTR. Filipino and Malaysian counterparts do not offer an automatic work permit.

Singapore will launch a five-year visa program in January to attract foreigners earning around $ 30,000. "Outstanding candidates" in sport, arts, science and academia who do not meet the salary criteria can also apply with the Overseas Networks and Expertise (ONE) pass, starting January 1, 2023.

For more information on how to apply for Filipino Special Investor Resident Visa call / WhatsApp +63-995-335-0553 or check this link from Board of Investment (BOI)  and DBP SIRV Banking info

Read related articled from Pattaya Mail and T Thaiger Talk

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