Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts

WPS South China Sea tensions rattle China's neighbors

China's growing naval power has encouraged it to be more assertive Chinese leaders like to talk about their country's "peaceful...
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China wary as India looks East – South China Sea

In China, smaller publications in landlocked provinces are a better guide to the actual thinking of the immense cadre of the Chinese Communi...
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China’s puppet Cambodia one sided to China for Spratlys

China's influence to ASEAN neighbors remains strong that make the ASEAN countries divided. Cambodia a member of the ASEAN countries show...
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Investment Recommendation: Bitcoin Investments

Live trading with Bitcoin through IQ Options Trading platform would allow you to grow your $100 to $1,000 Dollars or more in just a day. Just learn how to trade and enjoy the windfall of profits. Take note, Bitcoin is more expensive than Gold now.

Where to buy Bitcoins?

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