Showing posts with label Spratly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spratly. Show all posts

China's first aircraft carrier starts second trial in West Philippines Sea

BEIJING — China's first aircraft carrier began its second sea trial on Tuesday (November 29, 2011) after undergoing refurbishments and ...
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ASEAN - China to start talks South China Sea – Myanmar close tie to china

THE ASSOCIATION of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China will start talks as early as January preparatory to drafting a binding documen...
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COMMENTARY: Is a Nuclear War with China Possible?

BY LAWRENCE S. WITTNER While nuclear weapons exist, there remains a danger that they will be used.  After all, for centuries national confli...
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Investment Recommendation: Bitcoin Investments

Live trading with Bitcoin through IQ Options Trading platform would allow you to grow your $100 to $1,000 Dollars or more in just a day. Just learn how to trade and enjoy the windfall of profits. Take note, Bitcoin is more expensive than Gold now.

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